Benefits of black tea

The benefits of a good cup of black tea

The French, large consumers of tea and especially black tea, yet often ignore the beneficial effects of this plant for them. So how is it made? And what can it bring us?

The benefits of a good cup of black tea
The French, large consumers of tea and especially black tea, yet often ignore the beneficial effects of this plant for them. So how is it made? And what can it bring us?

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Tea is almost unanimous, and its benefits are widely recognized. Produced from Camellia sinensis, tea, and especially green tea, is one of the most popular drinks in the world. The difference between black, green or white tea lies in the processing of the leaves.

During the transformation phase, black tea is fermented and oxidized, which gives it unique color and flavor, and essential benefits. On the other hand, green tea and white tea are not fermented.

The healing qualities and health benefits of black tea
If you like the flavor of black tea, you can choose to consume it in different ways. The Chinese add sweeteners, spices, chocolate or even rare herbs while brewing the tea. In India, milk and sugar are normally added to it. Some people also add various ingredients such as ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, lemon, mulethi (licorice) or even tulsi (basil).

Black tea is rich in antioxidants known as polyphenols, also contains a small amount of sodium, protein and carbohydrates.

Regularly drink black tea to take advantage of its benefits

Recent medical research has shown that theaflavin and thearubigin, found in black tea, are responsible for health benefits (2).

Cardiovascular illnesses

Regular consumption of black tea can help repair dysfunctions of the coronary artery in many heart patients. Consequently, drinkers of this beverage have a reduced risk of contracting many cardiovascular diseases.
According to Boston University of Medicine, the antioxidants found in black tea reverse the dysfunction of blood vessels, thereby also preventing strokes (3).


Black tea has a healing effect on intestinal disorders due to the presence of tannins. It is advisable during episodes of diarrhea to drink clear tea slowly for maximum benefits.


Hot liquids in general, provide relief to asthmatic conditions, by reducing mucus. In light of this fact, it is not surprising that black tea is extremely beneficial for people with asthma, as it widens the passage of air, making it easier for them to breathe.

Digestive issues

Black tea is rich in abundant tannins and other chemicals that have a positive and relaxing effect on the digestive system of the human body. This anti-inflammatory quality is also useful for curing digestive disorders.

High cholesterol

According to a study by the American Heart Association in New Orleans, people who consume black tea can lower their bad cholesterol, which is responsible for heart attacks. It has also been found that people who drink 3 to 4 cups every day have a lower risk of heart problems than those who consume less or not at all.

Breast cancer

Drinking tea, whether black or green by the way, helps women prevent cancerous growth in the breasts, especially women in the pre-menopausal phase. Tea helps increase the level of globulin hormones during periods of the female menstrual cycle. The presence of theaflavins in black tea destroys abnormal cells in the body before they cause major damage by turning into cancer cells.

So drinking this type of tea is just as beneficial to health as drinking green tea. It is readily available and you can choose from hundreds of flavors and blends on the market. If you are going anywhere in the world, be sure to have black tea as an option for a stimulating and refreshing drink.

What natural tea for my health?

Precautions for drinking tea

In the case of heavy consumption, black tea has an addictive effect due to the presence of theine, and can also cause acidity problems in the stomach as well as stains on the teeth.

In addition, it is better to avoid drinking tea just after lunch or dinner, as it can cause digestion problems, while at other times of the day it promotes healthy digestion.

To enjoy the benefits of black tea, taste it within the limit of 4 to 5 cups per day!

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