Get rid of being overweight to help protect yourself from ovarian cancer

Get rid of excess weight to protect yourself ...

A study of American scientists shows that being overweight in puberty or at a later stage in a woman's life may increase the risk of ovarian cancer.

More than 94,000 women aged 50 to 71 participated in the study and were observed for more than seven years. The results showed that more obese women were much more likely to develop the disease than normal women.

Particularly risky is the group of overweight women who have no children. They are more likely to develop cancer along with an increase in ITT (body mass index).

Numerous studies have shown that there is a link between high levels of estrogen in the body and the risk of ovarian cancer.

Birth decreases this risk because during the nine months of pregnancy, the female body produces no eggs, and estrogen levels do not increase and there is no danger of this hormone accumulating in the body. Experts point out that such an accumulation of harmful amounts of estrogen can only be talked about in women in menopause who have been overweight for decades.

Doctors from the American Association of Cancer Specialists, who authored the study, also emphasized that weight loss is of utmost importance to the health of every woman and can play an extremely important role in preventing cancer.

Every year, thousands of women become ill with ovarian cancer. This disease is among the five most common causes of death among women. The reason is that at the initial stage, the symptoms are not clearly expressed or absent at all, which makes it difficult to diagnose it in a timely manner.

Like almost any disease, this disease can be controlled if it is detected initially.

Here's what every woman can do for herself.

Regular reviews

At least once a year it is good to have a complete gynecological examination, with all the necessary examinations - ultrasound, cytoplasm.

Regular check-ups are the only surefire way for gynecological diseases to be detected on time.


Studies show that women who spend more than six hours in a sitting position are much more prone to ovarian cancer than those who exercise actively.
Even walking and light exercise can maintain tone and health.


According to recent research in the United States, drinking appropriate contraceptive pills prescribed by a doctor for a longer period of time reduces the risk of ovarian and uterine malignancies.

Healthy life

Stopping cigarettes, heavy alcohol, and junk foods is one of the best and easiest things anyone can do for their health.

At the same time, emphasize fruits and vegetables, milk and meat. This will give you the most nutritious nutrients that, admittedly, will not allow your body to become ill with anything other than ovarian cancer.

Observing your body

In addition to regular check-ups, recognizing the signs sent by the body are crucial to diagnosing any disease.

The feeling of heaviness in the stomach, dull pelvic pain and swelling of the abdomen for no good reason, for more than two weeks, are a sign that something is wrong in the body and a doctor should be consulted quickly.

Even the presence of a symptom is not a cause for panic, since, at an early stage, every disease has a very good prognosis for treatment.

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